Thursday, April 22, 2010

Favorite Subjects

"Special Spots" - oil, 6"x8.5"

I take a painting class through the local art school.  I love the class, as it challenges me to keep my painting improving, and understanding all the nuances of color, shape and space.  I was working on another painting, which I will post soon, when I saw some photographs that Ron, our instructor had taken, and left out for us to use.  My eye caught a particular photo, which I immediately was drawn to, no pun intended!  It is the kind of subject that I love to paint, a rooty, woodsy, back-lit location.  Perfect!
I have a couple of things I might still work on in the background, but it is basically done.  I did it on a bright red toned/gessoed watercolor paper.  I love letting that hot red show through!

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