Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Personal Flag-Waving ... Just a Tiny Bit

I am REALLY excited, and had to share, that right after I got home, I sold three (yup, 3!!) paintings through Art Quiver !! Art Quiver is a very nice online gallery I belong to.  Since it is run right here in Virginia, even closer, right out of Charlottesville, it makes it even better.  If you haven't ever visited their site, check it out.  They do a very nice job of creating a virtual gallery.


Bobbi Heath said...

That's great, Elaine. I just looked at your Art Quiver page, and those are three great paintings. Nice to see that larger (than daily paintings) and more expensive paintings can sell online. Well done, and here's to many more!

Elaine Hurst said...

Thank you!