Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Playing With Color...Again!

"Shuttered Window"  -  oil, 8x10", $150

What fun to play with color!  Just like when you were little and you would put all sorts of colors together to create new colors, as well as playing with the way they interacted.  Maybe you weren't aware of what you were doing, but you knew it was fun.  That is how this painting happened last evening.  The light came and went, so I had to decide what I wanted to capture and say.  I love late evening light, and so it was an easy choice to paint the way the light hit the side of this house.  I also had given myself the challenge of "simplicity".  K.I.S. Keep It Simple.  I left of the usual way of using this reminder, as in Keep It Simple Stupid, as I try to keep things in a positive frame of reference.  We all know how easy it is to go down the road of the self-critic.  But back to colors.  I so enjoyed playing with the oranges and purples and greens that played through out the painting.

Quote for today:  

“I look out the window sometimes to seek the color of the shadows and the different greens in the trees, but when I get ready to paint I just close my eyes and imagine a scene.”  -  anonymous

1 comment:

drawingtools said...

Your "fun" just creates a very amazing artpiece. Mixing with colors is truly enjoyable especially at times when you are inspired to do the thing. The balance of your work shows how you manage to play with colors delivering the best output of great painting.draw