Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Larger is different....

A little out of order, but I had my plein air painting class today.  We were back out at "Cobble Hill" in Staunton, VA.  A 179 acre farm in the city limits!  It was over-cast, and rainy a good portion of the day.  But that made for a fine day for me.  I painted, along with another student, under this over-hang.  As you may see, I decided to re-paint the lanterns, only in a larger scale, 32"x40".  I didn't finish it yet, but got a good start on it.

Ron, our instructor, had suggested that I tone the whole canvas, draw in the shapes, then scratch back to the canvas where the lightest point in the lanterns was.  Then I put white gessoe on that to help it sparkle.  So far they look like balloons, but I think I can pull off the glow.  I am just going to wait and work on it next week, and let the painting dry somewhat to help me pick up the brights, and the very darks.  Fun stuff!!

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